HIKARU先生の第一回Sunday アーユルヴェーダのクラスに参加しました。テーマは、『春を楽しむために今から準備!』
① 生活のリズムを整えること
② 適切な運動をすること
① 特に起床時間、就寝時間を一定に保つことを意識することで、食事/排泄のリズムも整い、身体がすっきり循環するようになります。
② ここでの運動とは、理想的には1日45分間、自分の体力の半分程度で発汗する程度、楽しんで体を動かすことです。
HIKARU 先生の Sunday アーユルヴェーダは、予約不要のオープン講座です。アーユルヴェーダを初めて学ぶ人にも分かりやすい言葉で教えてもらえるので、安心して参加できますよ。
次回は 3/12(日)『そろそろ始めたいよね”ダイエット”』。気になるテーマ、楽しみです:)
Last Sunday was the first open lecture of Ayurveda by Hikaru.
The theme was "Get ready for Spring!".
Ayurveda is a perfect ancient science of life, like a sister of Yoga. The word AYUR literally means life and VEDA, the science or knowledge. Ayurveda briefly explains the knowledge of the dos and don'ts one has to follow, depends on each personalities, times, and seasons. The teaching leads us for a healthy, happy, comfortable and advantageous life physically, mentally & socially, just like Yoga does.
The things we can start from today for spring is as follows;
1) Maintain your regular routine of life
2) Do sufficient exercise
The dominant characteristic of spring season is Kapha (Water),
it leads us to be sleepy, dull, and our respiratory organs might have some problems including hay fever.
1) To keep your rhythm of your life; especial when you goto bed and when you get up is the key, to maintain the routine of diet and elimination. We are part of nature to follow the constant circle of life.
2) "Sufficient" means ideally 45 min per day, until you sweat, as long as you can enjoy it. You can boost up 3 kinds of powers;
1. Physical fitness
2. Digestive capacity
3. immune strength
Both our mind and body can be stronger and stable, without being influenced for the change and bad condition.
The temperature and weather are still unstable in Spring. We want to be flexible at heart, to accept and get along with all the change of the nature.
Hikaru's Sunday Ayurveda class is open for everyone from beginners to practitioners, conducted in Japanese.
Her explanation is clear / easy to understand and very practical for our daily life. Next lecture will be Sunday, March 12th 10:40-12:00. The theme is "Would you start your weight control before
Attached picture is from Inogashira-park, I found beautiful early spring in the cold winter wind.