子連れ旅日記 ~Sydney / Byron Bay, Australia~
上限11kgまでのバシネット(壁備え付けのベビーベッド)も夜行便で4時間は満喫した、9.5kg 1歳半の娘のこころ。
泊めてもらった友人のイタリア系アルゼンチン出身の家族が娘にあげる、濃ーいバジルソースのパスタやトーストも食べ放題、fish & chipsのフライドポテトまで、
1. Traveling Abroad with a baby girl 1year and half
Although she had been through domestic flight twice, it was very memorial experience to get first stamp on her first passport!
Enjoyed bassinet limited to 11kg, (she Kokoro is 9.5kg) for 4 hours out of 9 hours flight in total,
as we took the night flight to make the journey a bit easier.
She did NOT miss Japan LOL, no jet lag, had lot of fun meeting my dear family in Sydney.
She waved to everyone in the street with smile and did non-verbal communication very well.
Her daily meal were cooked Japanese rice with multigrain & boiled egg, also tried basil pasta, toast, & chips...!
2. Highlights ; B&B, Beach & Birds
With easy access to their beautiful city beaches, babies in Australia seemed spending time on the beach much more frequently than us.
Our daughter, Kokoro finally did beach debut at Manly beach on March 3rd, YAY! She preferred SAND to waves...!
SO MANY tropical birds are around in Australia, which we can never find in Japan.
Their color, the way to walk & sing are totally new for us and we (except my hubby) never got tired looking at them.
3. "Sustainable" coffee culture
I was amazed how Aussie LOVES coffee, and also how they think green by using reusable shopping bag & cup.
In Australia & New Zealand, cup size have become standardized,
so we can get same amount of coffee wherever, with your personal reusable cup.
We liked their "flat white", a single / double shot of espresso with carefully textured teamed milk.